Regular Events

Sunday Service 10.30am
Crèche and Sunday School is available during the service.
Communion is normally celebrated on the 3rd Sunday morning.
Life Groups: These groups meet on a regular basis (both weekly and bimonthly).
Tots Plus: Wednesday mornings 10am-12pm in the hall during term-time.
Community Praise: Thursday mornings, 11.00am –12.30pm in the church hall.
Craft Club: Friday afternoons, 2.00 – 4.00pm
Crèche and Sunday School is available during the service.
Communion is normally celebrated on the 3rd Sunday morning.
Life Groups: These groups meet on a regular basis (both weekly and bimonthly).
Tots Plus: Wednesday mornings 10am-12pm in the hall during term-time.
Community Praise: Thursday mornings, 11.00am –12.30pm in the church hall.
Craft Club: Friday afternoons, 2.00 – 4.00pm